
A Better Way to View Your Chat List 등록일자 2017.03.22

Hello, Ka'Talkers!

Hope you all are excited,
because we are finally bringing you the sort and pin feature on the desktop version of KakaoTalk.

■ Sort Chatrooms

Now you can sort your chatrooms and view them in the order of your choice.
Click the icon next to the search box and align them according to time, unread messages, or favorties.

Pin a Chatroom

You can also pin a chatroom to the top of the list.
Select a chatroom you want to access right away and right-click the room and choose "Pin to Top."
Now you won't have to search for that one chatroom you are always looking for.

That's all for now.
We will be back with more useful updates soon,
so stay tuned!

Kakao Team
