
Updates on KakaoTalk v2.5.6 등록일자 2017.06.21

Hi Ka'Talkers,
Check out our newest feature on KakaoTalk v2.5.6.

■ Keyword Alerts

Now you can use the Keyword Alert feature on your desktop version of KakaoTalk.
Go to Settings > Alerts > Keyword Alerts and turn the option on. Then add/delete keywords and you can get notifications when the keyword is mentioned in a chatroom.
Also, the keywords will be highlighted in the chatroom and in the pop-up messages.

* The keywords added/deleted from your PC will be automatically synced with your mobile.
* Please note that the sync feature works only if you use the updated version of mobile KakaoTalk app. (For android v6.3.0 or higher, iPhone will be supported soon.)

With the new feature, you won't be missing a thing :)

Enjoy talking,
Kakao Team
