
Updates on v3.1.2 등록일자 2020.06.02

HI Ka'Talkers,


We have lots to share with you today. Check out what's new in the latest updates.


◼︎ Screen capture your chats

You can now screen capture your chats on KakaoTalk for Windows.

Click the Capture icon and select areas you wish to capture.

You can also save and share the captured images right away.


◼︎ Improved Emoticons window

View your favorite and recently used emoticons in the Emoticons window.

Also, you can rearrange the orders of your emoticons in the Settings.


◼︎ Upgraded photo viewer

Print your photos right away on KakaoTalk.

Also, you can now save collaged photos at once.


Plus, you can now reply to messages using emoticons.

There are updates in the KakaoTalk Calendar where you can search events and get notifications for invites.


Hope you guys enjoy the new features!


Happy Talking,

Kakao Team
